Again, the method used perform this trick is basically the same as when per-
forming a horizontal or vertical rotation trick, except that you press and hold the D-Pad or Analog
Thumb Pad diagonally. While pressing and holding the Jump Button, press and hold ,
and when the Jump Button is released the boarder will begin to rotate. The rotation speed is propor-
tional to the length of time ,
was pressed. Compared to a vertical or horizontal rotation
trick, landing a Misty is relatively more difficult, so the trick points awarded are higher.
It’s possible to earn an
even higher overall trick point total by combining combo and specialty moves in the same trick. The
more combos you manage to execute in one trick, the more trick points you will earn. As explained
previously, a specialty trick requires a certain combo command to execute. If you add in another move
just prior to making the combo command, the specialty trick will then be preceded by two tricks. Of
course, the specialty trick earns the highest points, but the bonus earned by the preceding moves
added to the high score specialty trick yields an even higher total point score for the whole trick. If you
can master this technique and perform it at will, you'll be earning some mega-high scores.
earning the highest possible trick points
misty tricks
Each character has two unique specialty tricks, that can be executed
via a trick combo that acts as a command. All you have to do is bust the right combo for the right char-
acter to make these phat moves happen. By memorizing the commands that execute each character's
specialty trick you can expect to earn even higher trick points. (For details on the commands for each
character's specialty tricks, see p. 12-13)
specialty tricks
You can also use the Grab
Button ( ) to perform manual tricks while riding
along a course to earn extra time. Unlike grab or rota-
tion tricks, you do not receive trick points as they are
made, however, their value is reflected in the
score tally as a bonus for earned extra time.
While performing these manual moves you are unable
to turn or jump however, you will maintain the same
speed as normal stance boarding. To return the board-
er to a normal stance, release the Grab button.
Certain rotation and grab move combinations (com-
bos) can earn higher trick points. Execute combos by performing combinations
of grab/rotation moves in the same "trick" (the time between the jump and
landing). For example, jump and do a grab move and then if you can manage to
begin a second grab move before the follow-though of the first move is com-
plete, the two moves will be executed consecutively in the same trick. This is a
combo trick. But... don't overdo it! If you try to cram too many moves into one
trick, your boarder may not make the landing in time and take a tumble.
The method used to perform this trick is basically the same as when
performing a horizontal rotation trick. While pressing and holding the Jump Button ( ), press and
and when the Jump Button is released the boarder will begin to rotate. The rotation
speed is proportional to the length of time
was pressed. Of course the angle of the board in
relation to the ground surface is essential to making a successful landing. Obviously, if you attempt a
landing while the boarder is upside down, your boarder will crash-land.
ground tricks
combo tricks
inverted tricks
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