163.1 lbs
Blood Type:
Number Plate:
Here’s a guy who’s truly fascinated with speed.
His biggest thrill is trying to see how fast he can go.
It’s when he’s pushing himself and his car to the
limit that he feels alive.
Honestly, most people who bump into him think
he’s quite ordinary. “Hey, that guy seems a bit
unfriendly,” or “that guy seems to have a lot on
his mind” is the impression people get when
they try to strike a conversation with him. In
truth, he’s just storing up his energy for the next
speed thrill.
Although he’s a taxi driver, Bixbite once had the
opportunity to go into racing. When he was 20
years old, he had 10 sponsors trying to scout him
due to his insane skills. He realized then, that he
could be successful, but that it would cost him his
privacy. He often debated whether or not he
should go into racing until one day, his circuit
buddies talked about ‘Crazy Drivin’ in the
West Coast.
That’s when Bixbite decided to become a taxi
driver. The thrill of pushing the limit, being able to
do things you couldn’t on the race track, and
making money. Now that was exciting!
Mrs. Venus is a funky mother
who supports seven kids and
a husband.
To say that Mrs. Venus is cheerful
is an understatement. She loves
being happy, and loves making
other people happy. She’s the
breadwinner of the family, and
the only thing that she loves as
much as her family is her job.
Her job as a taxi driver allows her to meet
all sorts of people. She feels that it is her
job to not only get people to their
destination, but to make them feel good
about themselves. There doesn’t seem to
be anyone who gets in depressed, who
doesn’t feel at least a little better once
they’ve been with Mrs. Venus.
Her love of driving came from her father,
who was a stunt driver. It was because of
him that she acquired her mad driving
skills. Her favorite quote is, “It’s my destiny
to become the best taxi driver, and to do
that, I need make everyone happy.”
We think there’s no one better suited to
making everyone happy than Mrs. Venus.
205 lbs
Blood Type:
Number Plate:
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