Seedburo 1200D
Digital Moisture Tester Manual
Error #
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
RCT data corrupt
SET time + date
Real time clock values are
The date and time are reset to original values. Reset
values in the SETUP MODE. Check Lithium coin
battery on printed circuit board voltage should be
between 2.9VDC and 3.0 VDC.
Corrupt data
for chart #xxx
Calibration data for moisture
measurement are corrupted.
Download a known good set of charts. If error
persists it can be a hardware error (flash memory).
Otherwise chart could have an error in its
parameters. Last try initializing the flash.
Instr. Temp. out
of range: xx.xC/F
Instrument temperature is out
of operating range.
Wait for instrument to reach temperature range.
Check the equipment temperature A/D counts in the
special combination mode. A/D counts should
change if you touch RT1 on the printed circuit
Hardware error
Not applicable for 1200D
Grain Temperature
out of range: xx.xC/F
Grain cell temperature is out
of operating range because
test sample is too hot or cold.
Hardware failure.
Wait for sample to reach temperature range.
Check the grain temperature in the special
combination mode. The A/D counts should change
when the grain cell temperature sensor is touched.
Re-calibrate sensor if needed. If needed replace
Boss and pin assembly TSUB0032. Lastly check
hanger bracket assembly for shorts. Replace hanger
bracket assembly TSUB0036.
Hardware error
Not applicable on 1200D
Hardware error
Improper measuring
procedure, wrong grain or
grain cell, Internal hardware
Verify that correct Grain cell is being used (same
serial number) and that the correct sample type is
selected. Repeat measurement.
Error will occur if operator selects measure to early
or dumps grain in the wrong sequence.
This error can occur if the female or male conical is
loose, dirty or not making proper contact. Check
empty cell counts in special combination mode must
be within 9,000-15,000 counts.
Temp. diff.
out of range
Temperature difference
between instrument and grain
is greater than required.
Wait for grain to stabilize at room temperature.
Repeat measurement. Check grain temperature is
accurate in special combination mode. Re-calibrate
if necessary.
Instrument temp.
out of range
Instrument temperature is out
of operating range.
Wait for instrument to reach temperature range of
40-99F. Check equipment calibration is accurate in
special combination mode. Re-calibrate if
Moisture out
of range!
Grain moisture exceeds
measurable values.
Dial Division reading is out
of absolute limits.
Dial division reading is beyond –40 to +215. Check
dial division readings in special combination mode.
Loose conical connectors, bad E-F PCB, calibration
is off, cold solder joint on female conical.
Moisture out
of limits
Dial division reading is out of
chart limits.
The grain moisture exceeds the chart limits. Check
dial division readings in special combination mode.
Loose conical connectors, bad E-F PCB, calibration
is off, cold solder joint on female conical.
31,32 and 36
Sample temp.
out of range
Sample temperature is outside
chart temperature limits.
Wait for sample to stabilize in temperature range
defined by chosen sample in SAMPLE MODE.
Verify accuracy of grain temperature sensor. Re-
calibrate if necessary.
Configuration Error
Incompatible parameter ,
flash not compatible with
EPROM, corrupted flash or
Power up in special combination mode verify all
parameters are set correctly for the unit you are
working on. Verify flash is compatible with Eprom.
Download new flash. Verify EPROM is compatible
with the unit under test. replace EPROM.