Seedburo 1200D
Digital Moisture Tester Manual
Mode: YES) then the instrument will display as follows:
01/10/2003 18:22
Averaged meas.
1 out of 3
To speed up the operation of the
between two successive
readings on the same sample, the sample removed from the GRAIN cell
can be directly placed into the DUMP cell and the measuring process
activated by pressing the MEASURE button, and dumping grain in Grain
cell. In this case, the correct size is already present in the cell. This
procedure can also be used to perform statistical measurements on the
To insure great accuracy of results, the instrument performs
calibration, after pressing the MEASURE KEY, if any of the
following conditions are satisfied:
1. Before the first measurement after power-on (initial cal.).
2. If the equipment temperature has changed more than 2 C since last
calibration (Temp. diff.).
3. After an interrupted or erroneous (not complete) calibration (prev.
4. If the newly selected grain has a different internal calibration value
than the previous grain (diff. cal. value).
5. If the user quits from the measurement mode and enters into the
SETUP mode. This is the only way to force a recalibration at any
time (forced by SETUP).
In addition, the instrument performs a self-calibration on every