Group 2 - Nodes to receive Thermostat Operating State
Group 3 - Nodes to receive unsolicited Low Battery
Group 4 - Nodes to receive unsolicited Thermostat Set
Point Reports.
Group 5 - Nodes to receive unsolicited Multilevel
Sensor Reports.
Group 1 contains a maximum of 1 node. Each of the
groups 2,3,4 and 5 may contain a maximum of 4 nodes.
The unit supports 3 single byte configuration
Command Class
parameters for the temperature sensor in the range 1-3
Configuration Parameter Number 1, Default = 0xFF
0x00 - 0x7F Disables the temperature sensor.
0x80 - 0xFF Enables temperature sensor.
Configuration Parameter Number 2, Default = 0
0x00 - 0x7F Celsius.
0x80 - 0xFF Fahrenheit.
Configuration Parameter Number 3, Default =
10 (1.0˚C)
1 to 100 - Delta Temperature in 0.1˚C steps
All command classes are version 1 unless otherwise stated.