350 Owner's Manual
Page 6
The starter disable prevents the car from
being started.
If the shock sensor detects light taps on the
car, it will trigger the pre-intrusion alert
(the siren chirps three times and the
parking lights flash three times) to warn
potential thieves and vandals. However, if
it detects a strong shock to the car, such as
shock caused by prying the trunk open, it
will trigger the alarm for 40 seconds. (See
Optional SECO-LARM shock, motion,
glassbreak, and microwave sensors will
offer your alarm additional protection. Ask
your SECO-LARM dealer.
While your alarm is armed, your car is
protected in the following ways:
Potential thieves or vandals will be
deterred by the flashing LED.
If anyone opens a door, the alarm will
immediately sound the siren and flash the
parking lights for 40 seconds. If the
opened door is not closed and current
sensing has not been selected, the siren
and lights will trigger for up to three 40-
second cycles, after which the alarm will
rearm, bypassing the open door.
Turning the ignition key ON will trigger the
alarm for 40 seconds.
To disarm the alarm, press
button #1. The siren chirps
twice, the parking lights
flash twice then turn
steady ON for 6 seconds
(or until you turn the
ignition ON), and the LED
turns OFF. What happens next depends on
how your alarm is set (ask your dealer):
Alarm set for active arming with
permanent disarm
The alarm is now completely disarmed.
Alarm set for active arming with
automatic rearm, or alarm set for
passive arming
A. A 30-second automatic rearming
period begins.
B. Turn the ignition ON before the
rearming period expires to completely
disarm the alarm.
C. If you do not turn the ignition ON, the
alarm automatically rearms in 30
seconds. Once rearmed, the siren
chirps and the parking lights flash one
time, and the LED starts flashing.
NOTE — Ask your dealer if your doors
were hardwired to your alarm. If you open
a hardwired door during the 30-second
automatic rearming period, the alarm will
stop rearming until you close it. When you
close it (or when the delayed domelight
turns OFF), the siren chirps and parking
lights flash once, and the automatic rearm
period begins again. 30 seconds later, the
siren chirps and parking lights flash once
again, and the alarm rearms.
NOTE — The LED flashes quickly from the
time transmitter button #1 is pressed to
disarm the alarm until the alarm is either
completely disarmed or it rearms. The LED
turns OFF while a hardwired door is open.