Hazardous electrical current. Can cause
severe burns and start a fire if battery terminals are short
circuited. Install battery in box. To prevent accidental
shorting across battery terminals, strap cover securely on
battery box. Do not leave battery uncovered. Do not
allow children to play around sump pump installation.
Your Backup Sump Pump depends on the battery used
with it for power. The better the battery, the better the
performance of the pump. We recommend use of a Sears
DieHard Size 27M or 24M Deep-Cycle Marine battery.
This battery will perform well for many hours and stands
up well to long periods of little or no use.
In an emergency a Sears DieHard Size 27M or 24M stan-
dard automobile battery may be used. However, an auto-
motive battery may require charging after only 1 to 2
hours of continuous use, and the repeated charging cycles
may cause early plate failure in the battery.
Use only a new, fully charged battery that will fit in the
battery box (maximum size 12-5/8" long, 7" wide and 9-
3/8" high (320.7mm x 177.8mm x 238mm) including
NOTICE: We recommend a trial fitting of all components
before gluing anything. This will allow you to check pump
mounting height, float switch clearance, etc., while
adjustments can still be easily made.
1. Mark side of sump six inches (154mm) down from top.
2. Fill sump until primary sump pump starts; normal high
water level should not be above mark made in step 1.
If it is higher, backup float switch may not swing far
enough for proper operation. To lower high water
level, adjust switch on primary sump pump. See
primary pump owner’s manual.
3. Drain sump. Measure down 11 inches (279.4mm)
from top of sump; mark this point on side of sump.
Install tee with center of threaded inlet at least this far
below top of sump to allow sufficient room for float
switch to swing (see Figure 1).
4. Make sure that installation will not interfere with
primary sump pump operation as follows:
A. Backup pump installation must not interfere with
primary sump pump float switch swing.
B. Normal high water level must never be high
enough to start backup sump pump.
C. NOTICE: To prevent recirculation back through
pipe, install check valve between primary sump
pump discharge and backup pump mounting tee.
Mount check valve correctly. Flow must be toward
backup pump tee.
5. Cut rigid discharge pipe from primary sump pump to
length. Use PVC piping. Tee supplied is 1-1/2" slip fit;
if necessary use 1-1/4" bushings supplied.
NOTICE: Use any tee that fits sump pump discharge
line; the adapter that is supplied (Key No. 10, Page 7)
will fit any galvanized or plastic 1-1/4" tee.
6. Thread adapter (Key No. 10) into tee. When installed,
molded-in ‘up’ should be on top.
7. Install check valve (Key No. 8, Page 7) in adapter. Tab
on check valve fits into notch at top of adapter.
8. For trial assembly, slip pump into check valve to
check pump mounting height and to make sure that
there is no interference with float switch operation on
either pump; be sure floats will not rub on side of
sump, catch between pump and sump wall, interfere
with each other, etc.
9. Remove pump from adapter; remove tee.
10. Using PVC glue, permanently reinstall tee in primary
sump pump discharge pipe.
Hazardous fumes. Follow cement manu-
facturer’s instructions. Use PVC cement only in a well
ventilated place away from fire or flame.
11. Put clamp on adapter; leave loose. Mount check valve
in adapter; thread assembly into tee.
12. Slip pump into check valve. Tighten clamp.
13. Make sure battery is fully charged; then check opera-
tion by disconnecting power to primary sump pump
and filling sump until Backup Sump Pump starts. Run
Backup Pump through one complete cycle.
"Turn On"
Water Level
12" Min.
7" Min.
1380 1194
Tether Length 2"
Figure 1 – Typical Installation