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SL-PEL Series
Sectored Port Entry Light
If Method 2 or 3 is being used, a small motor powered boat with both helmsman and able-bodied seamen
to lay out the line and act as a safety man. The observer must be free of all duties and concentrate only
on reporting what he can see.
At the PEL:
One technician with VHF radio or GSM phone if methods 1 or 2 are being utilised.
If method 3 is being used, a skilled Theodolite operator with shared VHF radio.
Approximately 1 hour should be allowed for Method 1 and 2-3 hours for Methods 2 or 3 ensuring that all
operations are complete before the hours of darkness. All parties should gather for a discussion on what
is required of each person. It is recommended that the acceptance officer who will endorse the alignment
of the light is positioned at the light during alignment. They may verify the completed alignment from
seaward at a later time, however acceptance and verification shall be completed at the tower.
Alignment Procedure:
It is recommended that the lantern is set to a fixed flash character (00) and 100% intensity with the PEL
set to the required operation mode. Be mindful of covering the light sensor when testing night conditions.
To set this, refer to the programming section in the manual.
Methods 1 and 2:
1. With the observer in position, switch on the PEL. Both the observer and technician should be in voice
2. Swing the light around until the observer sees the light. It is not important which colour he sees. The
observer should report the colour.
3. The PEL can now be loosely tightened down to its fixings.
4. Depending on colour seen, the technician can determine whether the light has to be moved to the
right or left.
a. Method 1: by instruction from the tower the observer can be asked to walk to the left or right to
determine how much the light is off the mark and inform the tower.
b. Method 2: by instruction from the tower the boat can be asked to be moved to the left or right to
determine how much the light is off the mark and inform the tower.
5. Using electrical tape and a pen mark the original position on the flange of the light.
6. The light can now be loosened and adjusted.
7. By repeating the adjustments in small increments, the light can gradually be moved until the observer
on the mark can move in and out of the colour boundary selected by moving his head to the left and
right by approximately 300 mm.
8. When the technician and acceptance officer are satisfied, the light may be tightened into position.