5.5 Fitting the Al-Fi Camshaft Setting Plate Sets to the engine.
camshaft setting Plate Assemblies are fixed in place of
designated bearing caps, at specified cylinders.
refer to Data chart to establish at which cylinder position the
"InLEt" and the "EXHAust" setting Plate Assemblies are to be
fitted on to the camshafts for the model/engine.
Alfa romeo 145 2.0 16v ts (96-01) Engine code 323.01
= Inlet "cylinder no.2" and Exhaust "cylinder no.3" (fig.5).
For timing belt replacement applications with the old timing
belt still in-situ/engine timing correct.
With the crankshaft correctly positioned at tDc no.1 cylinder, the
camshaft lobes should be in the correct timed position to accept
the Al-fi setting Plate Assemblies.
remove the bearing caps of the inlet and exhaust camshafts at
the appropriate cylinder locations.
clearly mark which is the inlet and exhaust, and keep
clean at all times (fig.13).
Place the Inlet and Exhaust Al-fi setting Plate Assemblies in
position over the appropriate camshaft lobes.
Ensure that the fixing holes in the support Blocks match
the offset bearing cap holes in the cylinder head (fig.14).
When viewed from the camshaft sprockets, the lettering on
the Setting Plates should be visible.
cHEcK tHAt tHE BAsEs of tHE suPPort BLocKs rEst
on tHE surfAcE of tHE cYLInDEr HEAD AnD tHAt tHE
tHE cAMsHAft LoBEs (fig.15).
Insert the flanged securing Bolts (4) and tighten evenly to
10nm (fig.16).
the belt tensioner can now be released and the old belt removed.
these Alfa romeo and fiat timing belt applications require
the camshaft sprockets to be 'free to turn' on the camshaft, when
fitting the new timing belt, and therefore it is necessary to slacken
the camshaft sprocket bolts.
WARNING: DO NOT use Al-Fi Camshaft Setting Plate
Assemblies to counter-hold camshafts in position whilst
releasing or tightening the sprocket bolts as this will damage
the Setting Plates. Al-Fi Assemblies are for retention of
timing position only. A suitable sprocket holding tool MUST
BE used to counter-hold the sprockets.
5.7 For camshaft timing applications (when timing belt not in `
Al-fi setting Plate Assemblies can be used to 'set' the camshaft
timing on these engines after engine overhaul or repair, and prior
to installing a new belt.
the preparation involved in establishing the model/engines,
selecting the appropriate Al-fi parts to create the correct
camshaft setting plate assemblies, and determining the correct
cylinder location, is exactly the same as described earlier.
the appropriate cylinder locations should not have their camshaft
bearing caps fitted.
Look at the lobe profile form that has been created on the InLEt
Al-fi setting Plate Assembly and using a suitable sprocket
Holding tool on the camshaft sprockets, turn the InLEt
camshaft until the camshaft lobe at the appropriate cylinder
location is approximately in the same orientation as the setting
Plate Assembly (fig.17).
Place the InLEt and EXHAust Al-fi setting Plate Assemblies
in position over the appropriate camshaft lobes.
Ensure that the fixing holes in the support Blocks match
the offset bearing cap holes in the cylinder head (fig.18).
© Jack sealey Limited
Original Language Version
Vs4910 Issue:3 (sP) - 08/07/15