Seagate Nytro XP6302 Flash Accelerator Cards User Guide, Rev. E
Nytro XP6302 Card Characteristics
Chapter 3: Characteristics
This chapter presents characteristics for each Nytro XP6302 card.
Nytro XP6302 Card Characteristics
The Nytro XP6302 card uses a low-profile, half-height, and half-length PCIe board.
The Nytro XP6302card uses a SAS2308 controller with drive firmware that runs on its internal processor. The Nytro
XP6302 card can be used for either persistent or nonpersistent data and offers high-performance with low latency and
a low CPU burden.
The following figure shows the Nytro XP6302 card.
Figure 5 Nytro XP6302 Card
Two board-mounted, right-angle LEDs shine through holes in the PCI bracket: one is for drive life and one is for drive
status. The LEDs are labeled on the bracket.
Troubleshooting the Nytro XP6302 Card
The LEDs provide key status information to diagnose any problem with the Nytro XP6302 card. You can also contact
Technical Support
The following figure shows the LED layout.