/SEABEAR H3 on the surface
Navigating with the compass
Up to 3 compass headings can be stored in the SEABEAR H3.
Select from the sub menu NAVIGATION one pre programmed
Short press either button to navigate between pre-programmed
Press and hold the left button to select one heading.
In the current example the preprogrammed heading “WRECK”
was selected. The actual heading of the diver is 87°. The
selected heading is 95° and is displayed in the same color as the
name of the heading. A little arrow on top of the compass scale
is directing to the right, suggesting the diver to turn a bit more
right to meet the selected heading. If actual heading and
selected heading match, a round circle will be displayed on top
of the compass scale and the blue line on the compass scale will
be exactly between the two green direction lines of the compass