Hybrid SUP |
To deflate, push down
on the center valve
stem and quarter turn
it to the right. The stem
will stay in the down
position, allowing
the air to escape. Be
sure that your eyes
and your face are not
directly over the valve.
Fold the back end of
the board over to reveal
the skegs. Unclip and
slide the skegs out of
their bases.
Fold the board back on
itself between the skeg
Begin folding the
board toward the bow.
Fold until the board fits
in the carry bag.
Backpack Carry Bag
Next store the folded
board inside the carry
bag. If you’ve taken
your time and folded
tightly, you should
have plenty of room
for a paddle (broken
down), seat, pumps
and other small items.
In extremely cold temperatures, PVC material becomes
brittle. You can still safely store your Sea Eagle in these
conditions, so long as you avoid dropping it and so long
as you do not subject it to any sudden impacts. Although
you can store your boat fully inflated, you may wish to
store your Sea Eagle rolled up inside of the bag.
If you’re planning to leave your Sea Eagle outside, be
sure to keep it raised up off of the ground. Its also a good
idea to keep it covered so that it is not directly exposed
to berries, leaves, rain, sunlight and other elements. Sea
Eagles that are left in water will most likely have to be
emptied from time to time.
Make sure that your boat and accessories are dry before
storing to remove moisture that could cause mildew.
Choose a cool, dry spot when storing in an enclosed area
like basement, closet or garage.
Rodent proof the storage area. Mice, squirrels and other
small rodents can do a lot of damage to your Sea Eagle.
Avoid excessive heat when storing your board. Do not
store Sea Eagle in an attic or metal shed.