Bakbatt Cali
No photo. If required you can use this to calibrate Backup Battery voltage.
Map Cali
No photo. Offset value used at the factory to calibrate the MAP sensor. Default setting is 5 for the built in map
Config1, Config2 (no photo)
Do not change these values. This value may control various functions in software. Change only if instructed to do so
from the factory.
Coil Time
Adjusts the charge time or dwell of the coils in milliseconds. Default is 3.6mS for 4cyl
and 6 cyl coil pack systems. Increasing may help spark if running high boost on
turbo/supercharged engines. Increasing dwell will increase current draw of the coil
pack, and could cause the coil pack/ignition fuse to blow at high rpm. If experimenting
with larger coiltime settings, rev the engine in neutral and monitor ignition current. One way to monitor current is to
pull the coil pack fuse out and substitute your ammeter leads into the fuse socket. Fuse should be at least 50%
greater amperage capacity than what you observe on the meter at redline. Too much Coiltime can cause extra heat
in the coilpack. If using SDS supplied coil packs its best to just leave this at default setting especially on a normally
aspirated engine. Alternate or customer supplied coils/coilpacks should be sent to us for testing to find out what
COILTIME(dwell) is required, as this can be a safety issue because too much COILTIME(dwell) can damage coils
and too short will produce weak spark causing misfires at high throttle. For Turbo/Supercharged engines running
high manifold pressure with SDS supplied coilpacks, higher Coiltime may be needed to fire the spark, try in the 4-
4.5mS range.
Coil Test
This screen turns on coil test by pr1, turns off with –1. Remove all spark plug
wires and place them close to ground so the spark can jump.
When turned ON, 1 coil will spark every 32.7 milliseconds.
Do not turn this ON
when the plug wires are connected to the engines spark plugs, because fuel
could ignite in the intake manifold
. See troubleshooting section.
Err Mask, Err Mask2
No photos. These can be used to block Faults from showing. Email or phone us for help if you need to block a
certain Fault. Default is 255 for both, and this allows all Faults to show and turn on the Fault LED.
RPM Err Cnt
No photo. Currently not used. Nothing to program here.
Burn #
No photo. Serial number of database of software download into the CPi2. Not user programmable.
CPU Identity
Not programmable or changeable this just displays automatic board ID in the system.
Will display Single for single board CPi2, Primary or Backup will display for dual board
CPi2 units. If you are not sure which type of CPi-2 you have this window will identify
the system for you. If you see either Primary or Backup here then it’s a Dual system.
IGN Type
For systems using Coilpack or Coil-on-plug coils this setting must be “Coilpack”.
For engines using a single coil and distributor, then this should be set to “1Coil&Dist”.
Note, we expect sales for distributor engines to be extremely rare.
SW older than V1.4
this was named # COILS, set to multi for Coilpack.
RPM Range
Allows selection of RPM range resolution. 4500, 9750 or 15,000 rpm can be selected.
For most aircraft engines the 4500 setting will be used. For higher revving engines
use 9750 or 15,000.