SimpleComTools, LLC
XML1000 – User Manual
SimpleComTools, LLC
Using ‘AT’ Commands
As mentioned earlier, the XML1000 AT Commands are a format similar to traditional Hayes-Compatible AT
Commands, but because the device is not a modem, the similarities are modest. In order to configure the
device using AT Commands, follow these directions:
Connection Steps
Step 1:
Connect your PC to the XML1000 RS232 interface using a
standard RS232 cable and null adapter or a null RS232 cable.
The XML1000 interface is a DTE port, so a standard serial
cable alone will not work.
Step 2:
Open a connection using any Terminal program, such as
HyperTerminal or TeraTerm. The default setup for the port is
1152000, 8, None, and 1
Step 3:
Once connected, enter ‘AT’ and hit the RETURN or ENTER key. You should ‘OK’ as the response.
To view ALL the current register settings, enter
Step 4:
Once you have successfully gained access to the command prompt, you can view or edit any
of the XML1000 application registers. The following pages detail the available commands.