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- 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332
East: (919) 718-0000 | West: (909) 627-9634 • Website:
Static Voltage Settings
1. Toggle the joystick until the Static Voltage channel
is displayed (Figure 9).
2. To reset the ESD counter to zero, push down the
joystick momentarily.
3. To change the voltage range and thresholds, push
down and hold the joystick until “REF” is displayed
on the top-left corner. “REF” indicates that the
settings can be modified.
4. Toggle the joystick up or down to scroll through the
voltage range options (12.5, 100, 250, 500, 1000
volts). Select the 12.5 volt range to enable the
ionization balance function if desired.
5. Toggle the joystick left to decrease the threshold.
Toggle the joystick right to increase the threshold.
Hold the joystick in either direction to quickly
increment the value.
6. Push down the joystick momentarily to save all
settings. “MEM” will appear temporarily in the
top left corner while the settings are saved. The
monitor will then re-boot after the save is completed.
NOTE: The monitor will revert back to its last saved
settings if idled for 10 seconds while in the settings
menu. The joystick must be pushed down in order
to save all modifications to the settings.
Ionization Balance and Decay Channel
Ionization Balance Threshold Marker:
Marks the
balance (offset voltage) threshold setting.
NOTE: The EM Aware Monitor is compatible with
steady-state DC critical environment ionizers only. The
ionizer must have a balance (offset voltage) of ±5V or
Ionization Balance and Decay Settings
NOTE: These settings cannot be changed unless the
static voltage range is set to 12.5 volts. See “Static
Voltage Settings” on page 4.
1. Toggle the joystick until the Ionization Balance and
Decay channel are displayed (Figure 10).
2. Push down the joystick momentarily to manually
measure the ionizer’s balance (offset voltage) and
decay time. The
symbols will appear while
the measurements are being taken. The balance
(upper row) and decay time (lower row) will update
at the end of the tests. Balance and decay time are
automatically measured every three minutes. Static
voltage monitoring becomes idle when balance and
decay tests are performed. ESD event monitoring
operates normally.
3. To change the voltage range and thresholds, push
down and hold the joystick until “REF” is displayed
on the top-left corner. “REF” indicates that the
settings can be modified. The value in the top row
indicates the current balance threshold, and the
value in the bottom row indicates the decay time
4. Toggle the joystick down to decrease the decay
time threshold. Toggle the joystick up to increase
the decay time threshold. Hold the joystick in either
direction to quickly increment the value.
Figure 11. Decay time threshold settings
Decay Time
Decay Label
Figure 10. Balance and Decay Mode channel
Decay Time
in Progress
Balance Level
Bar Graph
Ionization Balance Polarity:
Indicates the polarity of
the ionizer’s balance (offset voltage).
Decay Measurement in Progress:
Appears when the
decay time is being measured.
Ionization Balance Level Bar Graph:
Indicates the
balance (offset voltage) levels.
Ionization Balance:
Displays the ionizer’s balance
(offset voltage).
Decay Time:
Displays the amount of seconds to decay
a static charge. “1--.--” will display if the decay time
exceeds 16 seconds.
5. Toggle the joystick left to decrease the balance
threshold. Toggle the joystick right to increase
the balance threshold. Hold the joystick in either
direction to quickly increment the value.