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Locations to install your smoke detectors
Smoke detectors should be installed in accordance with the NFPA Standard
74 (National Fire Protection Association, Battery march Park, Quincy, MA
02169). For complete coverage in residential units, smoke detectors should
be installed in all rooms, halls, storage areas, basements, and attics in each
family living unit. Minimum coverage is one detector on each fl oor and one in
each sleeping area and attics in each family living unit. Minimum coverage
is one detector on each fl oor and one in each sleeping area. Here, we have
useful tips for you:
● Install a smoke detector in the hallway outside every separate bedroom
area, as shown in Figure
● Two detectors are required in homes with two bedroom areas, as shown
in Figure 2.
● Install a smoke detector on every fl oor of a multi-fl oor home or apartment,
as shown in Figure 3.
● Install a minimum of two detectors in any household.
● Install a smoke detector inside every bedroom.
● Install smoke detectors at both ends of a bedroom hallway if the hallway is
more than 40 feet (12 meters) long.
● Install a smoke detector inside every room where one sleeps with the door
partly or completely closed, since smoke could be blocked by the closed
door and a hallway alarm may not wake up the sleeper if the door is closed.
Figure 1: Locations for placing smoke
detectors for single residence with
only one sleeping area
Figure 2: Locations for placing smoke
detectors for single-fl oor residence
with more than one sleeping area
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