When using the 190mm rearshock (eye to eye 190mm,
travel 51mm), you can only have one of the following
rear travels:
137mm, 150mm, 160mm, 170mm and 180mm.
The rear travel can be adjusted on the main frame
through the drillings at the shock mounts. In the top
drilling the rear travel is the shortest and on the contra-
ry on the lowest hole you have the longest rear travel.
The pivot is situated between the middle and the big
chain wheel. This allows a good traction when doing
some DH and an excellent uphill performance when
using the middle chain wheel only. In contrast to other
DH bikes, the small chain wheel can still be used. The
pivot was slightly moved forward for a neutral pedaling
while standing on the pedals.
With the use of the 222mm rearshock (Eye to eye:
222mm ; Travel : 70mm), you can have any of the follo-
wing rear travels:
180mm, 195mm, 210mm, 225mm or 240mm.
250mm is even possible with a Rock Shox Deluxe Pro
suspension. The rear travel is adjustable thanks to the
different drillings on the shockmounts fixed to the main
frame. If you want the shortest rear travel, you have to
use the top assembling hole. If you want the longest
one, it is the bottom assembling hole that counts.
Adjustable DH rear travel
Tires and wheels
Mounting plates for FR suspension:
A 0.5 litre bottle fixed on a dirt free and practical spot,
that is to say on top of the lower tube, allows the free-
rider to ride without camelback.
DH riders do not usually ride with camelback, and as
most of DH bikes do not offer any possibility for fixing a
bottle, it is advised that riders get used to dehydration
beforehand, with longer training sessions.
Very light frame: only 3.5kg without suspension. The
whole bike, with all the specs that are specified in the
catalogue, weighs only 15.9kg. This is an incredible per-
formance for a suitable WC-DH bike that can easily be
ridden uphill without needing a lift or a shuttle…
3” tires max can be mounted.
Compatible to 24”
Because of the adjustable geometry, it can be perfectly
adapted to a 24” race bike for more hardcore use.
Mounting plates for DH suspension:
Adjustable FR rear travel
drillings on the shock mounts
Rearshocks in position « front - top »
Note that you have to mount Rearshocks
always with the container (Piggy Pack), as
shown underneath in the positions "front-top”.
Mounting the suspension in a different position
can lead to severe damages at the frame, the
rear and the suspension!
Special Freeride/DH Pivot
Manual A5high oct 04_E 30.09.2003 14:22 Uhr Seite 8