Direct, Inc.
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SCK Direct, Inc!
SCK Direct, Inc.
905 Honeyspot Road
Stratford, CT 06615 USA
+1 203.377.4174 voice
+1 203.377.8187 fax
1.866.840.4271 toll-free sales & helpdesk
www.MySCK.com; [email protected]
229-51316 Rev. F
© 2008 SCK Direct, Inc.
Printed in the USA
Should you experience problems installing your SCK Xwire prod-
ucts, or any aspect of your SCK Direct, Inc. services, please contact
the SCK HelpDesk toll-free at
Optional SCK System Components
SCK has a variety of optional accessories to help you complete
your kitchen automation:
SCK Kitchen Advisor Information Server
SCK Remote Input Device
SCK KSM Kitchen Status Monitor
SCK-Enabled Appliance Controllers
SCK Wireless (Xwire
) Appliance Interface
SCK Wireless (Xwire
) Temperature/Door SmartSensor
SCK Wireless (Xwire
) SmartGateway
SCK Wired Backbone
For additional information on any of these accessories, or to
request Technical Specification Sheets, please contact your SCK
Representative or contact SCK Customer Support toll-free at
1-866-840-4271 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST).
This document contains confidential information. The dissemina-
tion, publication, copying, or duplication of this document or the
software described herein without prior written authorization is
strictly prohibited.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(FAST.)® is a registered trademark of Food Automation - Service
Techniques, Inc.
Smart Commercial Kitchen and SCK are registered trademarks of
Technology Licensing Corporation.
SCK Direct, Inc. products are covered under U.S. and foreign
patents, plus patents pending.
SCK Direct, Inc. warrants all new Xwire hardware for 1 year from the
date of purchase. SCK Direct, Inc. warrants all other items for a peri-
od of 90 days unless otherwise stated at the time of purchase.