At Matrix end: When the user control the output device by remote control.
The matrix IR INPUT and the HDBT IR output is match. The way of IR control
is following video switch to change. The mean is that the HDMI source is switched to the
HDBT receiver display device output, the IR control will switch to following output select
corresponding input source.
At display end: The matrix has one location HDMI output and three HDBT
outputs. The location HDMI output has not IR control function. The three HDBT
outputs connect HDBT receiver. The HDBT IR INPUT and the matrix IR
OUPTU is match. The way of IR control is following video switch to change.
The mean is that the output select corresponding input source, the IR control
will switch to following output select corresponding input source.
Attention: The matrix has one location HDMI output. If the HDMI input source is
switched to the one location HDMI output, the HDMI output end has not control
the matrix through IR.
The function of the IR “ALL” port is control about one to all port.
IR control is devided into two kind of control ways as below.
Insert the 3.5mm IR receiver cable into IR INPUT ports at the rear of the
matrix. At the same time, insert the 3.5mm IR blaster cable into IR OUTPUT
ports at the rear of the matrix. At the display, the user connect HDBT Receiver
device at the matix HDBaseT ports Afterwards, insert the 3.5mm IR receiver
cable and IR blaster cable to the HDBT Receiver device.