SCIFIT • Scientific Solutions for Fitness • SCIFIT • Scientific Solutions for Fitness • SCIFIT
HearT raTe TranSmITTer STraP
Heart Rate Transmitter Strap
The optional wireless heart rate transmitter accessory is a
useful device if you desire continuous feedback on your
current heart rate during a workout. In addition the Pro1
includes a heart rate control program which requires use of
the strap.
The heart rate control programs enables the user to setup
a target heart rate. Through real-time monitoring of the
user’s heart rate, the console maintains the user’s heart rate
at or below this established target rate by decreasing the
workload if the user’s heart rate exceeds the target.
Activating & Deactivating Transmitter
Heart rate transmitter straps come in a variety of styles and
manufacturers. To properly activate, secure strap to the
chest and to deactivate follow the instructions that come
with the transmitter strap.
always follow manufacturers instructions for proper care
and use. Failure to follow manufacturers instructions
may result in injury to yourself.
Heart rate monitoring systems may be inaccurate.
If you feel faint, stop exercising immediately. over
exercising may result in serious injury or death.
Calculating Target Heart Rate Zone
your approximate maximum Heart rate (mHr) is equal
to 220 minus your age. The upper limit of your target zone
is equal to 0.85 times your mHr. The lower limit of your
target zone is equal to 0.60 times your mHr.
For example:
your age is 40:
220 - 40 = 180
180 x .85 = 153 (max mHr)
180 x .60 = 108 (min mHr)
These values are based upon averages, always consult your
physician to establish the proper heart rate zone for your
individual health condition.
Note: The heart rate program will maintain your HR
within a 10 BPM range of your set target. This variable
may depend upon maintaining a constant RPM