Sensor calibration
Place the 250-ml collection bottle in the air outside long enough to ensure that its contents
are replaced with fresh air. The calibration will be based on this sample having CO
concentration of about 400 ppm. While still outdoors insert the rubber stopper into the bottle.
Do this by holding the stopper, not the probe box. You can now take the bottle and the sensor
to the location where the calibration is to be done.
Connect the CO
sensor to an interface.
Let the sensor warm up by collection data for at least 10 minutes.
When the readings are stabilized use a paper clip or the ballpoint to press down the
calibration button – release the button immediately after green LED blinks.
After about 3min., the reading should stabilize at a value of approximately 400 ppm
If the reading is significantly lower or higher than 400 ppm, simply press the button again to
repeat the process. .
Taking measurements with CO
Connect the sensor to an interface.
Allow the sensor to warm up for about 10 minutes. While the sensor is warming up, readings
increase to circa 5000 ppm and then slowly decrease back to the CO
level the sensor is
exposed to. Start the measurement.
Since the sensor updates its reading every 3second, do not set the data rate faster that
1 reading per 3second.
Once you have started collecting data, you should see the green LED on the sensor box turn
on each time the sensor takes a new reading.
sensor needs to warm up for 10 minutes anytime power is interrupted. The sensor
required a large current (250 mA).
For the Sciencecube Interface users is recommended to connect the USB Adapter to the
interface unit when using the CO
The sensor can not take readings at a CO
concentration higher than 10 %. Once the CO
concentration reaches this level the computer will continue to display a reading of 10 %, until
the actual level drops below 10 % again.
Even though the sensor responds rather quickly to change in CO
concentration, remember
that gas has to diffuse through the holes in the sensor tube before any changes in
concentration can be detected. Since diffusion of gases is a fairly slow process, there is
resulting delay in the readings. Wafting air toward the sensor tube speed up this process.
When you finished collecting data, simply remove the sensor from the gas-sampling bottle.
We recommend leaving the slit rubber stopper on the sensor tube. Store the sensor in the
box it was shipped in.
The sensor is designed to operate between 20°C and 30°C. The sensor can be used outside
of this temperature range; however there will be a loss in accuracy of readings, even if the 1-
point calibration at the lower level or higher temperature is done. Allow enough time for the
sensor to stabilise at the desired operating temperatures.
The CO
sensor is warranted for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase provided the
electrode has been used in accordance with this instruction manual and under normal laboratory
conditions. The warranty does not apply when the CO
has been subjected to accident, alternate use,
misuse or abuse in any manner.
ScienceCube warrants this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period
of five years from the date of shipment to the customer.
This warranty does not cover damage to the product caused by abuse or improper use.