PEM Hydrogen generator quick instruction manual
There are 3 filters at output of electrolyses cell
1- Water trap that automatically remove more water from produced hydrogen.
2- Silica gel filter with blue color that absorb more water vapor and it’s color
change to pink when it is saturated 60% (Pink color) must be regenerate in
oven at 120 ° C for 60 ~ 120 minutes.
3- Molecular sieve 5 angstrom with dark yellow color that when saturated
there is no color change and every 1 month it must be changed or
regenerated in oven at 300° C for 120 ~ 240 minutes.
Filter content change or regeneration sequence
Turn instrument off
Reduce H2 pressure to zero
Open filter cap (2 side cap Fig – F1) as Fig – F2 /1
Take out the inside filter (Fig – F2 /2) by pliers
Open inside filter cap and change content or empty the content into clean glass vessel
and regenerate in oven (Fig – F2 /3)
Reassemble filter again and use instrument