When choosing the correct size bicycle, there are some guidelines that will help
you determine the correct fit. It is important that you are able to safely mount and
dismount the bicycle, and that while riding you are comfortable and can operate the
brakes, steering and pedal without any added difficulty.
The first rule is when standing over the bicycle, in front of the seat, straddling
the top tube of the bicycle, you should have a minimum of 1-3 inches of clearance.
For ladies frames, pretend there is a top tube, because although you may be able to
straddle the frame, you must also be able to reach the handlebars. Bicycles get longer
as well as taller as you go up in size.
Wheel size is a good starting point, but bicycles vary, so only use wheel size to get
started, after that, check that the rider can safely reach the handlebars while still
bending the elbows at least 10 degrees. The saddle height is adjustable, so there is
a range of riders that will fit each bicycle. Note that the correct height for the saddle
is not determined by foot – to – floor, but by foot – to pedal. The leg should be almost
completely straight when the pedal is in the down most position. Just a slight bend in
the knee. This may put the rider in a position where their feet can not touch the ground
easily. The rider can simply move forward of the saddle while mounting and dismounting
the bicycle. The saddle can be adjusted lower if the rider is uncomfortable this high, but
note that riding is more difficult with the saddle too low, as the legs are in an unnatural
position. It is common for younger riders who want to feel secure to be able to touch
the ground easily, or any rider who is not comfortable with not being able to touch the
ground. In this case start off with the saddle lower, and raise the seat as confidence
in riding is gained. Do not raise the seat so much that the knees lock straight when
pedaling or you have to move forward of the saddle to pedal. This is unsafe and the
bicycle can not be controlled in this condition.
Make sure that while riding you can see ahead of you clearly, steer and brake with
no difficulty reaching the brake levers or operating foot brakes. Also be sure you can
mount and dismount the bicycle quickly if the need arises.
Please refer to the separate adjustment areas of this manual for seat and handlebar
adjustments (p. 26 and p. 30)
*Note that some bicycles such as folding bicycles may have smaller wheels but still fit adults.
1-3 inches
Bike Wheel Size
12 inch wheel
16 inch wheel
18 inch wheel
20 inch wheel
24 inch wheel
26 inch wheel
Your Approx. Height
28 - 38 inches tall
38 - 48 inches tall
42 - 52 inches tall
48 - 60 inches tall
56 - 66 inches tall
64 - 74 inches tall
64 - 74 inches tall