4. Now you (A) and two SC10U intercom friends (B & C) are having
a three-way conference intercom.
First Friend
Second Friend
8.3.2 Ending Three-way Intercom
You can completely terminate the conference intercom or just
disconnect an intercom connection with one of your active intercom
1. Press and hold the (-) Button for 3 seconds until you hear a
beep to terminate three-way conference intercom completely. It
terminates both intercom connections with (B) and (C).
2. Tap or double tap the (-) Button within the intercom menu to
disconnect intercom connection with one of the two intercom
friends accordingly. For example by single tapping the (-)
Button within the intercom menu, you can terminate the intercom
connection with just the first intercom friend (B). However, you still
have the intercom connection with your second intercom friend
8.4 Four-way Intercom
8.4.1 Starting Four-way Intercom
You can have four-way conference intercom with three other SC10U
users by adding one more intercom participant to the three-way
intercom. While you are having a three-way intercom as above in
section 8.3, “Three-way Intercom”, a new participant (D), who is an
intercom friend of your intercom friend (C), may join the conference
intercom by making an intercom call to your intercom friend (C).
Please note that in this case, the new participant (D) is an intercom
friend of (C), not of you (A).
8.4.2 Ending Four-way Intercom
As same in the case of three-way intercom, you can completely get out
of the four-way conference intercom or just disconnect a single
intercom connection.
1. Press and hold the (-) Button for 3 seconds until you hear a beep
to terminate four-way conference intercom. It terminates the
intercom connections between you (A), and your intercom friends
(B) and (C).