4.2. Parameters
P01 –
High plant pressure alarm
Defines the limit of plant pressure. Over this value, the compressor goes in shutdown fault and a A12
message is shown on the display.
No adjustment is necessary.
P02 –
Unload pressure
Defines the value of plant pressure, in load state, that the compressor must to reach to go in a unload
phase. In unload phase the LED ( / ) flashes.
No adjustment is necessary.
P03 –
Load pressure
Defines the value of plant pressure, in unload state, that the compressor must to reach to go in a load
phase. In the load phase the LED ( / ) is permanently lit.
No adjustment is necessary.
P04 –
Offset for pressure transducer calibration
Compensates for possible reading error (either by excess or by defect) of the pressure.
No adjustment is necessary.
P05 -
Max probe temperature
Provides the highest value for oil temperature probe reading.
No adjustment is necessary.
P06 -
High oil temperature alarm threshold
Defines the high oil temperature alarm value. As soon as this value is reached, a dedicated alarm message
(A01) appears on the display and the compressors is blocked.
P07 -
High oil temperature pre-alarm threshold
Defines the high oil temperature pre-alarm value. As soon as this value is reached, the compressor stops
and a dedicated alarm message (a03) appears on the display, but the normal operation of the compressor
is not interrupted.
P08 -
Low oil temperature alarm threshold
Defines the low oil temperature alarm value. Under this value, compressor start-up is inhibited and a
dedicated alarm message (A34) appears on the display.
Offset for oil temperature probe calibration
Compensates for possible reading errors (either by excess or by defect) of the temperature probe due to a
defective probe.
In normal conditions, this parameter needs no adjustment.