2.7.1. Load and Unload from remote contact
with pressure switch
It’s enough to insert a contact in series to the contact of pressure switch; it’s necessary to set the opening
and closing of the remote contact coordinating with the setting of the pressure switch.
with pressure transducer
It’s possible to use a remote contact to control the loading and unloding of the compressor. This function
can be enabled and disabile modifing a parameter in the controller ( P32 –default 1 abilitato ).
This contact is logically in series to the pressure internal control.
Hypothesize, for example, to use a compressor with a load pressure at 8 bar and unload pressure at 10
bar, opening the remote contact with a pressure at 9 bar and closing it at 7 bar, the compressor unloads at
9 bar and loads at 7 bar; opening the remote contact with a pressure at 9.5 and closing at 7.5 bar, the
compressor unloads at 9.5 bar and loads at 7.5 bar; opening the remote contact with a pressure at 11 bar
and closing at 9 bar, the compressor unloads at 10 bar and loads at 8 bar; opening the contact at 11 bar
and closing at 7 bar, the compressor unloads at 10 bar and loads at 7 bar.