13 Annex
D21775 issue Q3
Service address
Schick GmbH
Lehenkreuzweg 12
88433 Schemmerhofen
Tel.: +49 7356 9500-0
Fax: +49 7356 950095
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.schick-dental.de
In the event of service, please send your device directly to Schick GmbH at the above ad-
dress and fill out our repair form (on the overleaf as a copy template or at www.schick-
Fax the completed form to 07356 / 9500-95 or send it by email to info@schick-dental.
Edition 2021/10
Schick GmbH
Schick GmbH
Lehenkreuzweg 12
D-88433 Schemmerhofen
Phone +49 7356 9500-0
Fax +49 7356 9500-95
Email [email protected]
Internet www.schick-dental.de
Schick GmbH reserves the right to change this documentation and the descrip-
tions, dimensions and technical data contained herein without prior notice.
Schick GmbH assumes no responsibility for possible errors in this documentation.
In no event shall Schick GmbH be liable for damages or consequential damages
resulting from the use of this documentation or the hardware and software de-
scribed herein.
The user is responsible for backing up and updating data. Schick GmbH accepts
no liability for loss or manipulation of existing data.
We expressly point out that any kind of duplication - even for internal business pur-
poses - is strictly prohibited. The contents may not be made available to third par-
ties and can not be used for other purposes.
© Copyright Schick GmbH