www.scheppach.com /
+(49)-08223-4002-99 /
32 | GB
Fig. 1 + 2
Motor drive unit
• Pole saw
• Hedge trimmer
• Power scythe
• Grastrimmer
• Spark plug wrench (19)
Openended spanner (8 mm / 10 mm) (20)
• Allen key (size 4) (21)
• Allen key (size 5) (22)
• 3 x cable ties (23)
Combined oil/petrol cylinder (24)
• Belt (25)
Front handle
4 screws M5 x 35
• Cover
4 nuts M5
4. Intended use
The brush cutter (using the cutting blade) is designed
for cutting young trees, strong weeds and under
The power trimmer (using the line spool with cutting
line) is designed for cutting lawns, grassed areas
and small weeds.
The hedge trimmer is suitable for cutting hedges,
bushes and shrubs.
The polemounted petrolpowered pruner is de
signed for lopping off tree branches. It is not suit
able for extensive sawing work, felling trees or saw
ing any materials other than wood.
The operating instructions as supplied by the manu
facturer must be obeyed to ensure that the equip
ment is used properly. Any use which is not express
ly permitted in the manual may result in damage to
the equipment and place the user in serious danger.
Be sure to observe the restrictions in the safety in
Please note that our equipment has not been de
signed for use in commercial, trade or industri
al applications. Our warranty will be voided if the
equipment is used in commercial, trade or industrial
businesses or for equivalent purposes.
Due to the high risk of bodily injury to
the user, the petrol power scythe must not be used
to carry out the following work: to clean dirt and de
bris off walkways, or to chop up tree or hedge clip
pings. Similarly, the petrol power scythe must not be
used to level out high areas such as molehills. For
safety reasons, the petrol power scythe must not be
used as a drive unit for other work tools or toolkits
of any kind.
The equipment is allowed to be used only for its pre
scribed purpose. Any other use is deemed to be a
case of misuse. The user/operator and not the man
ufacturer will be liable for any damage or injuries of
any kind resulting from such misuse.
Non-permitted users:
People who are not familiar with the operating man
ual, children under the age of 16 and people under
the influence of alcohol, drugs and medication, as
well as those who are tired or ill.
5. Important information
Safety instructions
During transport of equipment
During transport, always turn off the motor.
• Never carry or transport the power tool with run
ning cutting tools.
• Only ever carry the power tool in work posture:
• Power tool on your back, left hand on the front
handle and right hand on the operating lever (also
applies to lefthanded people), with the cutting
tools lowered towards the ground.
• In order to prevent damage and injury, or fuel from
leaking, secure the tool against tipping over when
transporting it in vehicles. Check the fuel tank for
tightness. We recommend emptying the fuel tank
before transport.
• The fuel tank must be emptied before shipment.
Make sure that no persons or animals are close
to the working area (minimum distance of 15 m).
Grass being cut and thrown up may contain foreign
objects such as stones. You are responsible for the
safety in your working area, and you are liable for
damages to persons or property.
• It is not permitted to either start or use the petrol
brush cutter in the vicinity of persons or animals.
• Do not use the tool when you are tired or distracted,
or your ability to react is impaired when you are
under the influence of alcohol or medication. Inat
tentiveness may cause serious injuries.
• Use approved safety goggles. Use approved ear
protection. Use highquality safety gloves.
Use highquality skidproof protective shoes with
safety steel caps. Never operate the tool wearing
sandals, or when barefoot.
• Always wear an approved safety helmet for work
ing in a forest.
• Do not wear wide clothing or jewelry. Wear long
trousers to protect your legs. Wear safety helmet
for long hair. Loose clothing, jewelry, and long hair
can get caught in the moving parts. Wear suitable
and durable tight working clothes.
• Keep body parts and clothing away from the cutting
tool when you start the engine, or keep it running.