Changing bobbins
Loosen the front T-knob on the maiden about one turn. Hold the flyer with
one hand and pivot the front maiden forward until the flyer orifice is out of
the front maiden bearing. Hold the drive band up and out of the way as you
pull the flyer towards you until the flyer shaft is out of the rear maiden bear-
ing. Remove the flyer whorl. (Unlike most spinning wheel flyer whorls, that
screw onto the flyer shaft, our quick-attach whorls need only to be pushed
on and pulled off the square part of the flyer shaft.) Remove the bobbin and
replace it with another one. If you are spinning in double drive mode, face
the small end of the bobbin toward the flyer whorl; in Scotch tension mode,
the large end of the bobbin faces the flyer whorl.
Double drive mode
We have shipped your wheel set up for
double drive mode, with a medium speed flyer
whorl. (The fast speed whorl is attached to the
wheel behind the rear maiden.) For double
drive mode, the small end of the bobbin faces
the flyer. Place one loop of the drive band over
the small end on the bobbin and the other loop
over one of the grooves (pulleys) of the flyer
Adjust the tension on the drive band
by turning the drive band tension knob (the
mushroom-shaped knob on top). Start with a
loose drive band. Begin to slowly treadle, tightening the tension knob until the flyer
and bobbin both begin to turn. Now you can begin to spin. Turn the tension knob in
a clockwise direction to increase the take-up of the yarn onto the bobbin or counter-
clockwise to reduce the amount of take-up.
Scotch tension or flyer-lead mode
Place a bobbin on the flyer shaft with
the large pulley end facing the flyer whorl.
Put a flyer whorl on the flyer shaft. In
Scotch tension mode, a single drive band
around the drive wheel and the whorl is
used. Place the band in a groove of the
flyer whorl. (You can use the drive band
double for this, although we recommend
tying a single drive band.) The drive band
should be taut but not overly tight.
Attach the Scotch tension spring to the
spring bar on the left rear of the mother-
of-all. Loop the cord over the large bobbin
large end
of bobbin
scotch tension
knob and rod
small end
of bobbin
large end of
small end
of bobbin