AIM ID Prefix
AIM is abbreviation of Automatic Identification Manufacturers, AIMID defines
the identification code for each type of standard code, details see the appendix AIM ID.
The scanner can add the ID before the bar code after decoding, which is AIMID prefix.
Disable AIM-ID Output Enable AIM-ID Output
Code ID Prefix
Except for AIM can used for identify the code type, user also can use CODE ID
prefix to identify the code type. Different with AIM prefix, every code type’s
corresponding Code ID prefix can be defined.
All Code’s ID is 1 or 2 characters which should be letters but not number,
invisible character or punctuation.
Disable CodeID Prefix Enable CodeID Prefix
Return all CODEID to Default
User-Defined Suffix
Forbid and Allow Adding User-Defined Suffix
User-Defined Suffix is to add the user-defined character after the code.
For example, enable user-defined suffix and set the suffix as “AB”, code is “123”,
the scanner will add “AB” after the code “123”, and output on terminal shows