Parts Needed:
Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout - BNO055
Female to female jumper wire Dupont cable (1) Yellow, (1) Green, (1)Black, (2) Red
(4) Steel Thread Rolling Screw for Plastic, Zinc Plated, Pan Head, Phillips Drive, #2-28 Thread
Size, 3/8" Length
Solder pin strips into IMU circuit board with pins projecting out of the side with all the components on it.
Use the four screws to mount the IMU in the scanner cover, making sure to orient it with the 4 pins
closer to the Raspberry Pi.
Follow this wire connection guide to connect the IMU to the Raspberry PI:
IMU->Wire Color->Motor HAT Connections
VIN ->Red Wire->+3V Rail
GND->Black Wire->GND Rail
SDA->Blue Wire->RX0
SCL->Yellow Wire->TX0
RST->Green Wire->#4
PS1->Red Wire->+3V Rail