These assembly instructions will cover the mechanical assembly, programming and basic use of the
Sweep 3D scanner add-on.
Soldering Iron and Solder
Wire Stripper
Small Philips Head Screw Driver
2.5mm Hex Key with Ball End
The three main enclosure parts and the cable clip are intended to be printable using a consumer
desktop FDM (fused deposition modeling) style printer. You should get functional results when printing
using a 0.2mm layer height. We have oriented the available STL files in the direction we have found they
print best with the least amount of support material. We found that 20-30% infill works well. Our test
parts were made using standard ABS filament, but PLA or other materials can work too (with PLA you
need to worry about the parts melting in a hot car). You can also have these parts printed by a service
like Sculpteo or Shapeways, but it will cost much more.
Difficult to make parts:
The last 3D printed part
the custom Light Pipe, is intended to be printed using
a clear resin with an SLA style printer. We realize this may not be as commonly accessible to most
people, which is why we are offering a kit of parts for sale that includes all the 3D printed parts.
We have assembled all the parts you need to make this project in one convenient kit. It includes about
60 parts, including the five necessary 3D printed parts. The 3D printed parts are made of black ABS, and
are printed at 0.2mm layer heights. The one clear component is printed using SLA technology. The only
thing not included in the kit is a Sweep sensor.
The kit is available for purchase on our website: