Using your exercise bike will provide you with several benefits, e.g. it will improve your physical fitness, tone
your muscles and - in conjunction with a calorie-controlled diet - help you tp reduce weight.
1. The warm-up phase
The phase improves blood flow and helps the muscles to work properly. Warming up reduces the risk of
cramp or muscle injury. It is advisable to perform some stretching exercises as described on the following
page. Each stretch should be held for about 30 seconds, no force or excessive pressure should be applied - if
pain occurs, stop.
2. The exercise phase
In this phase you should perform. Regular training will make your leg muscles more flexible. During training
you should run at a steady pace. Your heart rate should reach the target zone as shown in the graph below.
3. The cool-down-phase
This phase serves to relax your cardiovascular system and muscles again. For example, you can reduce the
pace and exercise for 5 more minutes. Then repeat the stretching exercises from the warm-up phase - again
remember not to use force or too much pressure when stretching. As you get fitter, you will need to exercise
longer and harder to achieve success. It is recommended to train at least 3 times a week and - if possible -
spread the training sessions evenly throughout the week.
To achieve muscle definition, you need to set the resistance setting relatively high. This puts more strain on
your leg muscles - which may mean that you cannot train for as long as you would like. However, if you also
want to train your fitness, you need to diversify your training programme. You should exercise normally du-
ring the warm-up and cool-down phases, but increase the load towards the end of the training phase so that
your legs have to work harder. You then need to reduce the pace to stay in the target heart rate zone.
To lose weight, you need to workout comparatively hard. The longer your workout lasts, the more ca-
lories will be burned. It is almost the same way of exercise as if you want to improve your fitness level.
NOTE: The exercise phase should last at least 12 minutes.
Most people exercise for about 15 to 20 minutes per session.
Heart Rate
Target Zone
85 %
70 %
Cool Down