Once the focus is good, rotate the knob on the side of the assembly clockwise to lock the two
slides, which should not perturb the focus. If it does, you may need to repeat the CCD focusing step.
Do not over-tighten the lock knob: just snugging it up is fine. You are now ready for guided imaging
with your STT camera.
Note: the star images on the tracking CCD may not be as good as your imaging CCD since the focal
reducer reduces the F/number by 0.7X, and you are quite a way off axis. This is not a problem for
Software Settings
If your software supports SBIG cameras and you have the latest drivers, you should be able to select
the FW8-STT filter wheel in the software setup. If for some reason you do not see this filter wheel in
the list of supported SBIG filter wheels, try selecting select FW8-STL or CFW10 as these older
models use the same control codes.
Canon and Nikon Lens Adapters
Canon EOS and Nikon lens adapters are compatible with the FW8S-STXL standard filter wheel.
They cannot be used with the self-guiding filter wheel because the back focus requirements of the
lenses are too short for the self-guiding version. In this case, one can use the self-guiding cover for
longer focal length telescopes and add the standard cover for use with camera lenses where external
guiding is quite acceptable. Guiding with the standard filter wheel can be accomplished using the
remote guide head or separate guider like the ST-i.
Ver. 1.1 Dec. 10, 2018