Production of hole lines for shelves
Variable shelf placement is a standard in furniture construction. To make this
possible, rows of holes are made at defined distances from the front or rear
edge of the inside of the cabinet.
Put the template against the long side and set the distance.
For cabinets where doors are mounted, insert the supplied bolts in the 37
mm mark. (When using standard door hinges!)
. 1
The 37mm distance mark is
suitable for making hole lines for
mounting standard hinges.
The distance to the upper or lower edge of the workpiece is variable. Symmetrical
alignments are often chosen in furniture construction, in which the center of the
workpiece forms the axis of symmetry width-ways. See also fig.2
Fig. 2: For existing doors where the
holes for the concealed hinges are
already drilled, the distance between
the fittings is decisive. The hole lines
must be adjusted accordingly. The
sautershop MFS-3202 offers a simple
measuring stop for adjusting the
distance of the first hole to the edge
of the workpiece. With this, the exact
distance can be set easily and
accurately using a standard link
scale. This scale indicates the
distance from the workpiece edge to
the center of the first hole.