© Fr. Sauter AG
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CH-4016 Basel
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Printed in Switz
P100002807 A
Hardware input is not reading the correct value
Input wiring problem
Check that the wiring is correct according to this manual and
according to the peripheral device’s manufacturer.
Open circuit or short circuit
Using a voltmeter, check the voltage on the input terminal.
Short circuit (0V) and open circuit (5V).
Configuration problem
Refer to the device’s user guide for more information.
Hardware output is not operating correctly
Output wiring problem
Check that the wiring is correct according to this manual and
according to the peripheral device’s manufacturer.
Configuration problem
Refer to the device’s user guide for more information.
Hardware Installation Guide
While all efforts have been made to verify the accuracy of information in this manual, SAUTER
is not responsible for damages or claims arising from the use of this manual. Persons using
this manual are assumed to be trained HVAC specialist / installers and are responsible for
using the correct wiring procedures and maintaining safe working conditions with fail-safe
SAUTER reserves the right to change, delete or add to the information in this manual at any
time without notice.
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