Great Sausage Recipes and Meat Curing by Rytek Kutas
Smoked Polish Sausage
Ingredients for 25 Lbs.:
• 2/3 cups salt
• 2 1/2 Tb. sugar
• 3 Tb. fresh garlic
• 2 1/2 Tb. coarse black pepper
• 2 1/2 Tb. marjoram
• 5 cups ice water
• 25 lbs. boneless pork butts
• 5 cups soy protein concentrate or non-fat dry milk
• 5 tsp. Instacure No. 1
Grind all of the pork butts through a 1/4” or 3/8” grinding plate and place meat in the mixing
tub. Add all of the ingredients and mix well until spices are evenly distributed. Deliver to the
stuffer and stuff into 38-42mm hog casings. Then place the sausage on the smokehouse
sticks, spacing it properly.
To smoke the sausage, place it into a preheated smokehouse at 130° F with dampers wide
open. Keep this temperature until the casings are dry. Gradually increase the temperature
of the smokehouse to 160-165° F with dampers 1/4 open. Apply heavy smoke and keep
in the smoker until the internal temperature of the sausage reaches 152° F. Remove from
the smokehouse and shower with cold tap water until the internal temperature is reduced
to 110° F. Allow the sausage to hang at room temperature for about 30 minutes or until the
desired bloom is obtained. Place in a cooler at 38-40° F overnight.
Smoked Turkey
Brine Ingredients:
5 gallons water
1 ½ lbs. powdered dextrose
2 lbs. salt
1 lb. Insta Cure No. 1
Dissolve all ingredients in water chilled to 38-40º F. Wash the cavity of the turkey very well
and bring the internal temperature of the turkey to 38-40º F before placing into the brine.
Turkey should be submerged in the brine for 4 days at 38-40º F. Larger turkeys should be
cured for 5 days.
Thoroughly wash the cured turkey with cold water and place into a 130º F preheated
smokehouse. Smoke at this temperature for 1 hour with dampers wide open. Close
damper to ¼ open and apply smoke for 5 hours at 130º F. Raise temperature to 140º F and
hold for 4 hours. Finally, raise temperature to 165º F and hold until an internal temperature
of 160º F is obtained. Test the temperature close to the ball-and-socket joint of the thigh.
Remove the turkey from the smokehouse and allow the internal temperature to drop to 100º
F before placing in the cooler.