Integration Guide, Version 2.2
SL Command Mode
When the SL commands are enabled there are possibilities that the user data may start with the
characters “SL” which is handled as the SL command. This has caused the firmware to go to the
continuous SL command search mode and any data has not been sent or even an
acknowledgment has been received. To avoid this kind behavior the user can disable the SL
The SL commands can be disabled or enabled by using SL commands or toggling the “
Command mode
” parameter via the
SATEL Configuration Manager,
version v1.3.15 or newer.
By default the
SL Command mode
is set to
. If the
SL Command mode
is set to
then the SL
commands can be enabled or disabled by using the below described procedure. Regardless of
original SL command
setting state, changing the setting state with this procedure will effect to
the reception process of the radio module. SL command
setting state can be changed only via
SATEL Configuration Manager in maintenance access level.
Radio can be set to
Command mode
separately with “+++” command, regardless of the set SL
command mode (ON/OFF). Enabling the
Command mode
temporarily enables the SL command
mode and disables the radio interface functions (Tx/Rx).
To enable the
Command mode
Send three “
” characters
via serial port so that there is at least three bytes delay
(according to Pause Length -setting) between each character. The response is
when successfully set.
><at least three bytes pause*><
><at least three bytes pause*><
To disable the
Command mode
Send three “
” characters via serial port so that there is at least three bytes delay
(according to Pause Length -setting) between each character. The response is
when successfully set.
><at least three bytes pause*><
><at least three bytes pause*><
*Pause Length -setting
The “+ + +” and “
- - -
” procedures are not recommended to be used when radio is transmitting or
receiving data (i.e. the application data occupies the TD or RD lines of the radio).
900MHz frequency band (TR9/R9) parameters set via SL commands require device restart for the
new parameters to be taken into use. The device reset is performed during exiting the command
mode (---).