Integration Guide, Version 1.6
Receiver ON/OFF
PS-mode is meant to be used in systems
where the message length and interval
have been planned to be almost constant.
This is how the equipment can be set to
powersave mode for specific period in
order to save power consumption.
PS -mode
When started, the module analyzes 7 messages and calculates the average of message interval.
According to shortest cycle time, the sleep mode is activated. Wake-up is automatically activated
60 ms before next transmission (wake-up time= cycle time – 60 ms). New cycle study is
automatically done after every 100 packages. If the interval is shorter than 10 ms from average,
additional 1ms is added to the average value.
If the wake-up time differs up to 100 ms before 100 packages, the new calculating will start. If
measured cycle time remains constant, 60 ms marginal time will be shortened with 1 ms steps.
When PS-mode is used, interval can /- 40 ms without losing any messages.
Safe mode
When a fault has been detected by the Firmware, the module is set to Safe mode. In this mode
the module toggle’s the Stat Pin in 250ms interval indicating an Error and reboots the device
after 5s. When connecting to the device with SATEL Configuration Manager the Error code is
shown in pop up box. If the device does not recover after multiply reboots, please contact SATEL
SATEL Configuration Manager can be downloaded from website
The version 1.3.6 or newer is compatible with SATELLINE-M3-R3 radio receiver module.
Power up / power down scenarios
The receiver module can be set in five (5) states, “ON”, “OFF”, “sleep1”,” sleep2”, “PS-Mode”.
When power is applied to the module, the module can be switched ON/OFF using the
ENA_MODEM pin to >1.2V.