Enter selection or Esc to cancel >4
Serial port 1
Parity setup
1) Even parity
2) None parity
3) Odd parity
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >2
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >5
Serial port 1
Stop bits setup
1) 1 stop bit
2) 2 stop bits
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >1
Special functions
Enter selection >6
Additional setup
Error Correction OFF
Repeater Function OFF
SL-commands OFF
1) Set Error Correction ON
2) Set Repeater Function ON
3) Set SL-Commands ON
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >1
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >2
Enter selection or Esc to cancel >3
Refer to the corresponding chapter for more information.
Remember when connecting the MODE-pin (pin-12) to the ground the radio modem enters the
SETUP mode and communicates through PORT 1 with settings 9600,8,N,1 regardless of the
PORT 1 settings for the DATA mode.