Integration Guide, V 1.7
The radio transceiver module has the following modes of operation:
Ready to receive
from RF
Search for sync
Module is searching for the start of a radio
transmission from the RF signal.
Receive data
The module has found a valid radio transmission and
is receiving data.
The module transmits
Safe mode
Mode is entered when a fault has been detected and
the device has been Rebooted. In safe mode fault
codes can be read from the module (section 6.1).
Sleep mode
Will turn the module into a state where it will hold
parts of the radio on, wakeup will take approx. 30 ms
Power Save
Power save
Automatic sleep/wake-up procedure where module
sleeping time is dynamically adjusted to received data
packets. Decreases the power consumption of
complete receiving cycle approx. 30%.
Safe mode
When a fault has been detected by the Firmware, the module is set to Safe mode. In this mode the
module toggle’s the STAT
pin in 250 ms interval indicating an Error and reboots the device after 5
s. Transmitting/Receiving is prohibited during malfunction. When connecting to the device with
SATEL Configuration Manager the Error code is shown in pop up box. If the device does not
recover after multiple reboots, please contact SATEL Oy.
SATEL Configuration Manager can be downloaded from website
The version 1.7.4 or newer is compatible with SATEL-TR49 radio transceiver module.
Power up / power down scenarios
The transceiver
module can be set in four (4
) states, “ON”, “OFF”, “Sleep1” and “Power Save”.
When power is applied to the module, the module switches to ON state when voltage in ENA_MOD
is set to HIGH.
The module can be shut down by driving ENA_MOD line to LOW state.
In the “OFF” state current
consumption is only that of leakage current from an LDO, section 2.3. In this state all non-essential
parts off the module are powered down and all settings/state information that are not stored in
nonvolatile memory are reset.