Using the thermostat
Display (See the picture on the right)
The current room temperature (1) is always displayed on the screen. With that, a small house symbol is also displayed
(2). When you turn the button to change the temperature, the small symbol (2)
disappears and now you’re setting the temperature which is also blinking (1). The
thermostat also displays which heating mode is currently selected (NSB, day or
night)*, heating symbol if there is a need for heating (4), cooling symbol if there is
a need for cooling (5)* and the temperature unit (6).
Setting the temperature
With a simple turn of the button you can easily set the desired temperature. The temperature displays on screen.
Need for heating / cooling*
When the room temperatures falls below the desired heating temperature, the thermostat displays a flame symbol (4).
That means the thermostat has issued a command for heating. If the thermostat is set for cooling and the temperature
falls below the desired, the thermostat displays snowflake symbol (5) and a cooling command is issued*.
Worn batteries
When the batteries are almost worn out, the thermostat displays a symbol for low battery (3).
ON/OFF switch
If the switch on the outside of the housing is set to ON, the thermostat will be turned on. If the switch is turned to OFF,
the thermostat is turned off.
* Option only available in some 816 models
Screen display