The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
(+1) 215.322.6063 P.
(+1) 215.322.8498 F.
1. Remove the cover of the wiring panel.
2. Mark the four drilling points on the wall based on the drawing above.
3. Drill the holes for the anchors supplied in the mounting kit at the designated markings from step 1.
4. Install the four anchors in the holes that were just drilled.
5. Install the first two screws in the top holes leaving 1/8” of the thread exposed.
6. Line up the top key slots over the screws and lock the master clock into place.
7. Install the bottom screws through the wiring access panel and tighten into place.
8. After all wiring is complete, re-install the wiring panel cover.
Remote Antenna Mounting Instructions