The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
(+1) 215.322.6063 P.
(+1) 215.322.8498 F.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does this master clock replace all of the existing master clocks made by Sapling?
The NTP Series master clock will act as a direct replacement for the GPS, STR and SSM series master clocks. The NTP master clock can have all the
same functionalities of the aforementioned series depending on which options are ordered.
Can I use any SNTP server for downloading the time?
Yes, any site that sends out the SNTP protocol may be used as an input to the master clock.
What browsers are compatible with the NTP master clock browser?
The NTP master clock browser is compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome.
Can I connect to the web browser through a cross-over cable?
Yes, the NTP master clock can be accessed through a cross-over cable or via a LAN connection.
What are the length options I have with the GPS cable?
When the GPS option is purchased, a 75 foot cable comes standard with the unit. An optional 150 foot cable may be purchased.
Is there a Converter option like there was in the SSM and the GPS?
No, the Converter Box should be purchased separately from the unit when using a two wire digital communication system. The part number for the
Converter Box is SCB-000-000-1.
What inputs can the NTP master clock accept?
The NTP master clock can accept an input from a SNTP server, 59 minute correction, four different versions of the 58 minute correction, National
Time/Rauland, Dukane digital, Rauland digital, Sapling Wireless Repeater, Once a Day pulse, GPS and Sapling’s RS485 protocol.