STEP 3 – Side Of The Head
Change to one of the shorter combs 3mm or 6mm, trim sideburns, i.e. the hair directly
in front of the ears. Then change to one of the longer combs, 9mm or 12mm, and
continue to cut to the top of the head (see diagram 3)
STEP 4 – Top Of The Head
Using comb attachment 9mm or 12mm, cut top of head from back to front against the
direction in which the hair normally grows (see diagram 4). In some cases, this may
require the reverse, or cutting from front to back.
Comb attachments 3mm or 6mm are used to achieve a close crew cut or short cut.
For longer hair on top, uses the comb provided and lift hair on the top of the head. Cut
over the comb, with the hair lifted or hold the hair between the fingers to lift it and cut
it to desired length (see diagram 5 and 6). Always work from the back of the head.
You can cut the hair shorter gradually by reducing the space between the comb/fingers,
and the head. Comb out trimmed hair and check for uneven strands.