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3-8. Iris Level Adjustment
Adjustment location: VR301 (CA-3), S3002-7,8 (CA-3)
Measuring location: VIDEO OUT
Measuring equipment: Oscilloscope
Subject: Gray scale chart
Adjusting method:
1. Set S3002-7 and 8 switches to the OFF position.
2. Use the “
” button to be AGC OFF in the adjustment window.
3. Display the gray scale chart at designated picture angle.
4. Turn the VR301 to the right so that the white level is maximum.
5. Turn the VR301 to the left so that the output level is 700
10 mVp-p.
3-9. CCD White Point Defect Detect Adjustment
Measuring location: VIDEO OUT
Measuring equipment: Monitor display
Adjustment method:
1. Shield light with a lens cap to provide dark condition.
2. Use the “
” button to be WDD in the adjustment window.
3. Click the AUTO button.
4. After completing the CCD White Defect Detect adjustment,
it comfirms that white point can not be seen on the monitor
5. Click the END button.
3-10. Sub Carrier Frequency Adjustment
Adjustment location: CT221 (CA-2)
Measuring location: TP221 (CA-2)
Measuring equipment: Frequency counter
Subject: No designation
Adjusting method:
1. Adjust with CT221 to 4433619 Hz
10 Hz.
3-11. 28 MHz VCO Voltage Adjustment
Adjustment location: CT232 (CA-2), S3002-10 (CA-3)
Measuring location: TP232 (CA-2)
Measuring equipment: Digital voltmeter
Subject: No designation
Adjusting method:
1. Set S3002-10 switch to the “INT” (OFF) position.
2. Adjust with CT232 to 5.0
0.2 V.
700 mV
10 mV
3-12. Line Phase Adjustment
Adjustment location: VR271 (CA-2), S3002-10 (CA-3)
Measuring location: VIDEO OUT, TP251 (CA-2)
Measuring equipment: Oscilloscope
Adjusting method:
1. Set S3002-10 switch to the “LL” (ON) position.
2. Turn VR271 (LINE PHASE) to adjust the leading edge of
the vertical sync signal to 0
0.2 msec.
3. Set S3002-10 to the “INT” (OFF) position before shipment.