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7-1 Warranty and Provision
Sanwa offers comprehensive warranty services to its end-users
and to its product resellers. Under Sanwa's general warranty
policy, each instrument is warranted to be free from defects in
workmanship or material under normal use for the period of one
(1) year from the date of purchase.
This warranty policy is valid within the country of purchase only,
and applied only to the product purchased from Sanwa authorized
agent or distributor.
Sanwa reserves the rig ht to insp ec t all warranty c laim s to
determine the extent to which the warranty policy shall apply. This
warranty shall not apply to disposables batteries, or any product or
parts, which have been subject to one of the following causes:
1. A failure due to improper handling or use that deviates from the
instruction manual.
2. A failure due to inadequate repair or modification by people
other than Sanwa service personnel.
3. A failure due to causes not attributable to this product such as
fire, flood and other natural disaster.
4. Non-operation due to a discharged battery.
5. A failure or damage due to transportation, relocation or dropping
after the purchase.
7-2 Repair
Customers are asked to provide the following information when
requesting services:
1. Customer name, address, and contact information
2. Description of problem
3. Description of product configuration
4. Model Number
5. Product Serial Number
6. Proof of Date-of-Purchase
7. Where you purchased the product
Please contact Sanwa authorized agent / distributor / service
provider, listed in our website, in your country with above
information. An instrument sent to Sanwa / agent / distributor
without above information will be returned to the customer.
1) Prior to requesting repair, please check the following:
Capacity of the built-in battery, polarity of installation and
discontinuity of the test leads.
2) Repair during the warranty period:
The failed meter will be repaired in accordance with the
conditions stipulated in 7-1 Warranty and Provision.
3) Repair after the warranty period has expired:
In some cases, repair and transportation cost may become
higher than the price of the product. Please contact Sanwa
authorized agent / service provider in advance.
The minimum retention period of service functional parts is 6
years after the discontinuation of manufacture. This retention
period is the repair warranty period. Please note, however,
if such functional parts become unavailable for reasons of
discontinuation of manufacture, etc., the retention period may
become shorter accordingly.
4) Precautions when sending the product to be repaired:
To ensure the safety of the product during transportation,
place the product in a box that is larger than the product 5
times or more in volume and fill cushion materials fully and
then clearly mark “Repair Product Enclosed” on the box
surface. The cost of sending and returning the product shall
be borne by the customer.
7-3 SANWA web site
E-mail: [email protected]