5 Filter Performance
6 Recycling
The filter’s lifespan depends on the amount of nitrate present in the water that is being filtered. You
can obtain this information from your water supplier, or you can have a water analysis carried out. If
the filter is not changed after the filter capacity has been reached, no more nitrate will be filtered out
and the water quality may be negatively affected.
Total filter performance
: 7.500mg nitrate
: At a drinking water load of 5 mg nitrate/liter, the filter capacity of the E
CAIA nitrate car-
theoretically corresponds to 1,500 liters (7,500 mg/5 mg=1,500 liters).
Using the table below, you can see how many liters of water can be filtered at different nitrate loads.
The filter resin can be disposed of in household waste. The cartridge is made of Polypropylene (PP)
and can be recycled.
Dimensions and weight of the cartridge: 32x6 cm, 360 g
Nitrate in
drinking water
Filter performance
Flow rate display
ECAIA ionizer S filter
no. 1 (right)
Flow rate display
ECAIA ionizer S filter
no. 2 (left)
1 mg
7.500 Liters
999 (x 4)
999 (x 2)
5 mg
1.500 Liters
10 mg
750 Liters
15 mg
500 Liters
20 mg
375 Liters
25 mg
300 Liters
30 mg
250 Liters
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the
INTERNATIONAL support team. You will find the contact
details at www.sanuslife.com
Example 1:
For your drinking water, the nitrate content is 1 mg. In this case, you can filter 7,500 liters
of water with one cartridge filling (7,500 mg/1 mg=7,500 liters). This corresponds to a flow rate indi-
cation on the
ECAIA ionizer S
for filter no. 1 (right side) 4 times from 0 to 999 (1 counting unit corre-
sponds to 1.8 liters of water; 7,500 L/1.8 L=4166; 4,166/999=4) and for filter no. 2 (left side) 2 times
from 0 to 999 (1 counting unit corresponds to 3.6 liters of water; 7,500 L/3.6 L=2,083; 2,083/999=2).
Example 2:
For your drinking water, the nitrate content is 8 mg. In this case, you can clean 937 liters
of water with one cartridge filling (7,500 mg/8 mg = 937 liters). This corresponds to a flow rate indica-
tion on the
ECAIA ionizer S
for filter no. 1 (right side) from 0 to 520 (1 counting unit corresponds to 1.8
liters of water; 937/1.8=520) and for filter no. 2 (left side) from 0 to 260 (1 counting unit corresponds
to 3.6 liters of water; 937/3.6=260).
Example 2-A, flow rate display:
Reinsert the
ECAIA nitrate cartridge
and the flow rate display on
ECAIA ionizer S
(or other model) will be 325 on filter no. 1 (right side). There are 8 mg of nitrate
in the drinking water, as described in Example 2. Then you can use the
ECAIA nitrate cartridge
the flow rate display on filter no. 1 is at 845 (325+520=845).
Example 2-B, flow rate display:
Reinsert the
ECAIA nitrate cartridge
and the flow rate display on
ECAIA ionizer S
(or other model) will be 786 on filter no. 1 (right side). There are 8 mg of nitrate
in the drinking water, as described in Example 2. Then you can use the
ECAIA nitrate cartridge
the flow rate display on filter no. 1 (right side) is at 307; note: at 999 you have changed filter no. 1,
from this point, the display will start at 000 again (786+520=1,306; 1,306-999=307).
4 Positioning
Make sure that there are no uninsulated heat sources in the immediate vicinity. The cartridge can be
mounted horizontally, diagonally or even vertically.
5. Fasten the foam pad and the sieve, then screw the sealing cap back onto the cartridge. Make
sure that the seal and the thread are not contaminated with particles of the filter granulate.
This could cause the cartridge to leak.
: If there is visible damage to the seals or casing of the
ECAIA nitrate cartridge
, it should
not be reused.