User manual SNC-P3601M
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1. Installation
(also see the pictures on the following pages)
Camera SNC-P3601M is a colour camera with electronic day/night switching and a pre-
installed 360° lens. You will find the technical data at the end of the manual.
1.1 Lens
This camera is equipped with a pre-installed and pre-set 360° lens. When operating the
camera, you may need to re-adjust the lens because during the transport the lens might have
experienced some vibrations.
Unwrap the camera.
Step 2:
Connect the camera to the power supply and connect it to the network.
Step 3:
Open the cameras’s web interface in the Internet Explorer.
Step 4:
Call up the live.
Step 5:
Check if the oval position is centered and straight.
Step 6:
Check if the focus adjustment is set properly.
Step 7
: If required, adjust the lens. To access the lens, open the camera housing and
following the below procedure. Use the allen wrench included in the delivery.
(Continue on next page)