F18 SB
Using the machine
Big single cup button (F)
Place a cup under the single filter holder, then press
the button to start dispensing coffee.
The selected button remains on for the entire
dispensing, while all other LEDs turn off.
When dispensing is over, all the buttons of the
button panel turn on.
Big double cup button (G)
Place two cups under the double filter holder, then
press the button to start dispensing coffee.
The selected button remains on for the entire
dispensing, while all other LEDs turn off.
When dispensing is over, all the buttons of the
button panel turn on.
Milk frothing button (1)
Place the milk jug under the Autosteamer tap, press
the button (1) on the Autosteamer button panel to
froth the milk and wait for the process to end.
Drink heating button (2)
Place the milk jug under the Autosteamer tap, then
press the button (2) on the Autosteamer button panel
for hot milk and wait for the process to end.
Button for washing the Autosteamer
tap (3)
To activate the steam wand/cappuccino washing
cycle, simply press the button (3) on the relevant
(Autosteamer) button panel. The LED (3) relating to
the button panel remains on, the other LEDs go off.
Button for hot water (4)
Place a cup under the water spout, then press button
(4) to start dispensing “dose 1” of hot water. Press
button (4) twice to start dispensing “dose 2”.
The machine can be configured so that dispensing
of coffee doses with volumetric control is preceded
by pre-infusion. By pressing one of the volumetrically
controlled dose buttons, the “normal” dispensing
cycle is preceded by a short timed water jet used to
moisten the coffee pod before the actual dispensing
cycle takes place.
TIMER function
The TIMER function allows displaying on each
button panel the time (expressed in seconds) related
to the dispensing of the coffee doses (the dose is
volumetrically controlled in any case).
Washing dispensing units
There are two different modes that activate the unit
washing programme:
To activate the MANUAL WASHING for each
dispensing unit, simply press the continuous button
(E) and then button (A), always holding down
button (E) for the unit on which you wish to perform
a washing cycle. The LEDs (E) and (A) relating to
the unit concerned start to flash to confirm that the
washing phase has been carried out (the display of
the unit shows the “CL” message during the entire